Peer Review

Peer Review


The selection of articles in Romanian Construction Law Review is using the „double blind” peer review system

The papers submitted for publication in the Romanian Construction Law Review are selected and rated using the double blind peer review system, respecting international standards of scientific journals. Thus, any article submitted for publication will be reviewed by at least two reviewers with an international reputation in construction law field.

The review is performed on an anonymous basis (author’s name is not communicated to the reviewers; reviewers name is not communicated to the author). If it is necessary, the authors will receive recommendations and observations to improve the quality of their paper’s content. It is possible to refuse publication of the article to the proposal made by reviewers.

The evaluation of the articles is performed by the members of the Editorial Board together with the external REVIEWERS

Rights and responsibilities of reviewers are presented in ETHICS AND MALPRACTICE STATEMENT FOR ROMANIAN CONSTRUCTION LAW REVIEW 

The journal encourages the publication of scientific articles with international relevance which present comparative researches, promote interdisciplinary in the field (presents aspects of contract law, procurement law, construction permits, standards in construction etc.), combine theoretical with empirical  analysis within some case studies and benefit from a solid reference list.

The articles’ evaluation is performed by scientific reviewers using the Evaluation Form for the articles that are received by ROMANIAN CONSTRUCTION LAW REVIEW.

All who wish to acquire the honourable quality of scientific reviewer are invited to complete the Registration form becoming the scientific reviewer of the ROMANIAN CONSTRUCTION LAW REVIEW .

The articles are checked to combat and prevent plagiarism with software