Asociația Română de Dreptul Construcțiilor a organizat, în data de 30 septembrie 2016, cea de-a doua ediție a Conferinței internaționale științifice ”New Perspectives în Construction Law”. Conferința s-a bucurat de prezența a aproximativ 70 de participanți, specialiști din toate domeniile conexe dreptului construcțiilor – reprezentanți ai mediului academic, ai organizațiilor profesionale, practicieni din domeniu și reprezentanți ai instituțiilor publice. Pentru ediția din acest an au fost înscrise 9 lucrări științifice.
În cadrul dezbaterilor au fost abordate teme de larg interes pentru piața construcțiilor, de la impactul noilor modificări legislative până la noile tendințe în domeniu, fie că vorbim de particularități ale contractelor în aria construcțiilor, noile reguli în domeniul achizițiilor publice, arbitraj și metode alternative de rezolvare a disputelor sau aspecte prinvind legislația specială în construcții.
Conferința ”New Perspectives in Construction Law” a beneficiat și de prezența unor speakeri internaționali, dintre care îi amintim pe ing. Helder CARDEIRA, Asociația de Dreptul Construcțiilor Australia, Arh. Mehmet Gokhan BERK, Manager, Çevre Yapı Construction Management and Consulting Company, Istanbul, Turcia, Arh. Dan Octavian, Hill International, Londra, Marea Britanie, care au împărtășit din practicile altor state în ceea ce privește noile metode sau tehnologii din dreptul constructiilor.
Comitet științific
Prof. univ. dr. Brândușa Ștefănescu
Academia de Studii Economice București
Conf. univ. dr. Crenguța Leaua
Academia de Studii Economice București
Conf. univ. dr. Flavius-Antoniu Baias
Facultatea de Drept, Universitatea București, Decan
Lect. univ. Matthew Bell
Law School University of Melbourne, Australia
Prof. univ. dr. Raluca Dimitriu
Academia de Studii Economice București
Prof. univ. dr. Ion Anghel
Academia de Studii Economice București
Comitet organizatoric
lect. univ. dr. Ovidiu Ioan DUMITRU, Președinte al Asociației Europeane de Dreptul Construcțiilor
asist. univ. dr. Andreea Stoican, Departamentul Drept, Academia de Studii Economice București
lect. univ. dr. Cristina Cojocaru, Departamentul Drept, Academia de Studii Economice București
lect. univ. dr. Simona Chirică , Departamentul Drept, Academia de Studii Economice București
New Perspectives in Construction Law – second edition
Program – 30th of September 2016
09:30 – 10:45 Opening Session
Welcome speech by : PhD. Lect. Ovidiu Ioan DUMITRU, President, Romanian Society of Construction Law
PhD. Prof. Camelia STOICA, Head of Law Department, Academy of Economic Studies
Keynote introduction by: PhD. Prof. Eng. Radu VĂCĂREANU, Rector, Technical University of Civil Engineering
PhD. Prof. Nicolae ISTUDOR, Rector, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest
PhD. Assoc. Prof. Răzvan DINCĂ, Vice Dean, Law Faculty, Bucharest University
Arch. Bogdan BOGOESCU, Vicepresident, Bucharest Chamber of Architects
New Perspectives in construction legislation
Construction and Urban Planning Code: Arch. Anca GINAVAR, Head of Department, Department of Spatial planning and development, Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration
Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape: Ioani EMIL, Counsel of Secretary of State, Ministry of Culture
The importance of the latest amendments that aims the quality system: Eng. Cezar PETRE, Head of Technical College of Building Site
10:45 – 11.00 Coffee Break
11.00 – 13.30 Plenary Session
Chair: PhD. Lect. Ovidiu Ioan DUMITRU, President, Romanian Society of Construction Law
Resolving construction disputes trough arbitration: PhD. Prof. Ștefan DEACONU, President, International Commercial Arbitration Court attached to the Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CICA-CCIR)
Limitations of technical regulations in structural design: PhD. Prof. Viorel POPA, Dean of Faculty of Civil Engineering in the Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest
The main economic evolutions in construction industry (2008-2015) and expected trends: PhD. Prof. Ion ANGHEL, Head of Department of Financial and Economic Analysis Department at the Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest
The conflict of interest and bid rigging in the new public procurement legislation – new challenges for the construction industry: Cecilia Ligia POPESCU, Partener, Wolf Theiss Rechtsanwälte GmbH & Co KG SCA
Variation of contracts under the new regulations on public procurement: Marius BÂRLĂDEANU, Counsel, Vilau&Associates
Subcontracting limits: a review: Arch. Mehmet Gokhan BERK, Manager, Çevre Yapı Construction Management and Consulting Company, Istanbul, Turkey
Principles of the four main methods of delay analysis: Dan OCTAVIAN, Hill International London, United Kingdom
Risk allocation in Red and Yellow Fidic form of contracts: Valeriu MINA, Managing Associate, Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen
The ICC International Center for ADR: Ph.D. Assoc. Prof. Crenguța LEAUA, Vice-President, ICC International Court of Arbitration in Paris
Contract culture and Disputes Adjudication – the step before Arbitration: Eng. Florin NICULESCU, adjudicator, consultant AbInitio
13:30 – 14:30 Lunch
14:30 – 15:50 Working Session (part. I)
Chair: PhD. Prof. univ. Raluca DIMITRIU, Department of Law, Academy of Economic Studies
The Advantages of Integrating Smart Contracts with BIM: Helder CARDEIRA, Society of Construction Law Australia
The International Dimension of Contemporary Labor Relations with Special Regard to the Construction Industry: PhD. Prof. univ. Raluca DIMITRIU, Department of Law, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest
A few considerations regarding the conflict of interest felony stipulated under art. 301 of the Romanian Criminal Code and dispositions comprised in article 42-47 regarding rules for avoiding conflict of interest excerpts from the text of the Law no. 100/2016 regarding service and work concessions: Popa Aida RODICA, Judge, High Court of Cassation and Justice Bucharest
Relevant Amendments in Construction Field: Simona CHIRICA, Partner, Schoenherr&Associates
Retail building approach- international vs. local: Arch. Ichim MATIUS, Managing Partner, Matius Studio
Technical and legislative solutions for the sustainable buildings: PhD. Assoc. Prof Cătălin LUNGU, Vice Dean Faculty of Installations Engineering, Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest
15:50 – 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 – 17:30 Working Session (part II)
Chair: PhD. Prof. univ. Raluca DIMITRIU, Department of Law, Academy of Economic Studies
Practical Considerations regarding subcontractors in public procurement contracts: PhD Assoc. Prof. Oglindă Bazil/Eugen Sârbu, Managing Partner/Lawyer, Oglindă&Associates
The Implementation of European Public Procurement Directives in Romania: Grounds for mandatory and discretionary exclusion of economic operators: PhD. Lect. Ovidiu Ioan DUMITRU, President, Romanian Society of Construction Law
IT Systems and Safety in Construction Industry: Clivea NEAME, General Manager, CN Safety, United Kingdom
Considerations on amendment individual labor contract: PhD. Prof. Nicoleta BODEA/ PhD. Assoc. prof. Augustin PURNUȘ, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest/ Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest
Fire Safety norms – project, site practice & control: Arch. Florin ENACHE, member of the National Council of the Romanian Chamber of Architects
Polystyrene: Expanding into the future – Legislation and Insulation: Delia FILIP, Executive Manager, ROMEPS
Considerations on amendment individual labor contract: PhD. Lect. Ana VIDAT, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest
Considerations regarding the legal regulation of collective bargaining within the framework of labor relations: PhD. Assit. prof. Radu Ștefan PĂTRU, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest
Aspect concerning employment through temporary agency work in the construction industry: PhD. student Emilia Mihaela MARICA, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest
19:30 Dinner