ESCL Summer Webinars

ESCL Summer Webinars
ESCL – Summer Webinars on Construction Law

10 and 25 June, 9 July, 9, 16, 23 and 30 September 2020

1. Programme

10 June 2020
6.30-7.30 PM CET
Speaker: Virginie Colaiuta (Partner of the London office of the Italian law firm LMS Legal LLP and a Visiting Fellow of King’s College, London)
Topic: Virtual Hearings, Cross-Examination and Due Process
Introduced by Richard Bailey, Chairman of the ESCL and partner in the Construction Group of Goodman Derrick LLP
Welcome speech by Prof. Giovanni Iudica, President of the Italian Society of Construction Law
Moderated by Roberto Panetta, General Secretary of the Italian Society of Construction Law

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 868 7059 7433
Password: 387479

25 June 2020
6.30-7.30 PM CET
Speaker: Virginie Colaiuta (Partner of the London office of the Italian law firm LMS Legal LLP and a Visiting Fellow of King’s College, London)
Topic: Health & safety issues in construction projects deriving from the Covid 19 pandemic (temporary and durable changes)
Introduced and moderated by Roberto Panetta, General Secretary of the Italian Society of Construction Law

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 870 7093 3649
Password: 014685

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Meeting ID: 870 7093 3649
Password: 014685

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9 July 2020
6.30-7.30 PM CET
Speaker: Romano Allione (Engineer, DRBF Member)
Topic: Dispute Board: site visits and the Covid 19 pandemic
Moderated by Roberto Panetta, General Secretary of the Italian Society of Construction Law

9 September 2020
6.30-7.30 PM CET
Speaker: Adriana Spassova (Tutor at the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, FIDIC accredited adjudicator and trainer, Partner EQE Control OOD, Bulgaria)
Topic: Ground risk in the major international projects. The FIDIC 2019 Emerald Book new risk allocation approach for underground projects
Moderated by Roberto Panetta, General Secretary of the Italian Society of Construction Law

16 September 2020
6.30-7.30 PM CET
Speaker: Bastian Fuchs (Honorary Professor of German and International Construction Law at the University of the Bundeswehr München, Germany)
Topic: The use and legal aspects of BIM in the international arena
Moderated by Roberto Panetta, General Secretary of the Italian Society of Construction Law

23 September 2020
6.30-7.30 PM CET
Speaker: Arent Van Wassenaer (Director of the Faithful Goose B.V., the Netherlands)
Topic: Partnering in Construction Projects
Moderated by Roberto Panetta, General Secretary of the Italian Society of Construction Law

30 September 2020
6.30-7.30 PM CET
Speaker: Marcello Viglino (Engineer, Contract Management Salini Impregilo S.p.A., member of the Italian Society of Construction Law)
Topic: Enforcement of DB decisions
Moderated by Roberto Panetta, General Secretary of the Italian Society of Construction Law

2. Target group

The ESCL Summer Webinars are meant for lawyers and people interested in European Construction Law and alternative dispute resolution methods.

3. How to register?

The administration is taken care of by the Italian Society of Construction Law (ISCL).
All webinars are free of charge. Please send an e-mail to ultimately before midday of the webinar you would like to attend.

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