Guidelines for Article`s Submission
How to submit papers for the “double blind peer review” procedure
Submit the Title Page containing the Authors details and Blinded Manuscript with no author details as 2 separate files.
- How to submit the information about the article`s title and author
This should include the title, authors’ names and affiliations.
First LAST NAMES (Bold, Times New Roman, 12, align right)
Institutional Affiliation, City, Country (Times New Roman, 11, align right)
- How to submit the blinded article
You have to remove names and affiliations under the title within the manuscript. Do not give any information about previously written articles. Limit self-references only to papers that are relevant for those reviewing the submitted paper. You can use for example phrases like: “has been shown before” and cite papers published by the author in the text as follows: ‘[Anonymous, 2007]’. Make sure figures do not contain any affiliation related identifier. Do not include acknowledgments. Name your files with care and ensure document properties are also anonymized.
The abstract should consist of no more than 800 characters (with spaces), written in Times New Roman, 10, single spaced, justified. Leave one blank line between the institutional affiliation and the body of the abstract.
Keywords: no more than 5 most representative words of your paper, written in Times New Roman, 10, single spaced, justified, in italics. Leave one blank line between the keywords and the abstract.
Body of the Paper
The text of the actual paper should be no longer than 10 pages, including bibliographical references, illustrations, charts and/or maps.
The main text format should be Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5 spaced, justified. Leave one blank line between the body of the paper and the keywords. Ideally, each paper should have an introduction, body, conclusions and bibliography. The body of the paper may be divided into sub-sections. Use a one-column format. Please do not add any text to the headers or the footers. The page numbers should be inserted on the right side.
New Section
The heading of each section should be written in Times New Roman, small CAPS, 12, left justified, bold. Please use numbers (1, 2, 3 and so on) for the sections’ numbering and leave one blank line above each new section. Please use footnotes according to the guidelines below. Authors are responsible for ensuring that the information in each reference is complete and accurate.
- Author’s First Name Last Name, Title of the Book, Publishing House, City, Year, page–page
- Author’s First Name Last Name, “Title of the Paper”, Journal/ Review, Vol. X, No. X, year, page numbers of the article, specific page
- http://www, date of access
- Author’s Last Name First Name, Title of the Book, Publishing House, City, Year
- Author’s Last Name First Name, “Title of the Paper”, Journal/ Review XXX, Vol. X, No. X, year, page numbers of the article
- http://www, date of access